The adventures of a jeweller, online shopper and past bride.

The adventures of a jeweller, online shopper and past bride.

Like many of you, I love online shopping (a lot!). I love the convenience of shopping when it suits me and for it to arrive my door. I especially love being able to shop without leaving the house or putting on make-up.

When I was planning my wedding a few years ago, I quickly realised that even small weddings add up to a lot of money. So off I went, looking online for wedding things I needed plus some I didn't even know I needed, and comparing prices against value - because cheap is not always best.

It dawned on me that, unlike every other wedding-related item, there was very little choice when it came to buying a high-quality gold or platinum wedding ring online. The only options were at opposites ends of the scale: either mass produced, imported rings or expensive rings from high-end boutiques. Even then, few of these wedding rings could be bought online or were made in Australia. I pictured couples spending their entire weekends jewellery store hopping, comparing “apples with oranges” and growing very frustrated. Forget that! 

That was the “lightbulb” moment! What if I combined my jewellery, internet shopping and wedding planning experiences to make things easier for Aussie couples?

I wanted couples to have wedding rings of the same Australian-made, high quality that I demand for myself. I wanted to offer great value because weddings are expensive enough as it is. I wanted it to conveniently arrive at their door and for the process to be painless. High quality, convenience and low price. Simple!

That's how Australian Wedding Rings was imagined. Now, I’m so proud to offer couples a unique online experience and the type of high-quality rings that this very picky jeweller is happy to wear for a lifetime.

Of course, shopping for a wedding ring online is not for everyone. Some enjoy the plush carpet and bright lights of a jewellery store experience. And that's perfectly fine. But at least now, Australian couples have a choice.

Do you know your finger size? Get your free Sizing Kit here. If you already know it, shop now for your forever ring!


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